Taxonomic resources
This site provides additional resources in support of recent identification tools for annelid taxa, currently:
Glasby, C.; Biriukova, O.; Martin, P.; Dyne, G.; Utevsky, S. and Wilson, R. 2024. Annelida - diagnoses, descriptions and keys to family-level taxa 27 September 2024,
Wilson, R.S.; Glasby, C.J. and Bakken, T. 2023. The Nereididae (Annelida) - diagnoses, descriptions, and a key to the genera. ZooKeys 1182: 35-134,
These tools and linked resources update and replace:
Glasby, C.J. and Fauchald, K. 2003. POLiKEY. An information system for polychaete families and higher taxa. Version 2: 5 June 2003.
Wilson, R.S.; Hutchings, P.A. and Glasby, C.J. 2003. Polychaetes - An interactive identification guide Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
Ultimately we hope future versions of these resources will be hosted at Polychaeta subregister of the World Register of Marine Species (soon to be replaced by a subregister for all Annelida). When that occurs these links will redirect to the appropriate pages.