
Nemertea - ribbon
Nemerteans are unsegmented bilaterally symmetrical worms lacking a coelomic cavity. The digestive tract has a seperate mouth and anus, and an eversible proboscis dorsal to the gut in a tubular cavity. The opening to the proboscis (the proboscis pore), ventrally located at the anterior end, is a distinctive slit which is an important aid to recognition. Most species are nondescript in pigmentation, but some have stripes, bands, spots or other distinctive patterns.
Nemerteans are widespread in all marine environments, and include interstitial, commensal, parasitic and pelagic forms. They may be conspicuous members of the macrobenthos. Nemerteans also occur in estuarine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. The majority of free living nemerteans are apparently predators.
In life, nemerteans are often mucous covered. Their fragility is such that nemerteans are typically present in benthic samples as a number of flattened fragments.
Identification of nemerteans relies on interpreting anatomy via histological preparations and serial sections and is often impossible unless appropriate fixatives are used. For those unable to gain this specialist knowledge the only hope for delineating species groups is to examine collections while living and make the reasonable assumption that colour patterns are often species specific. For example, Sundberg & Gibson (1995) provide a key to Rottnest Island nemerteans that is based largely on colour pattern.
About 1,400 species of nemerteans are known globally. Australia's Great Barrier Reef fauna, and that of Western Australia, has been well studied and the subject of a number of papers by Gibson (see below). In contrast, the fauna of southeastern Australia remains poorly known with Gibson (1997) being the only practical tool for non-specialists. Edgar (2000) has photographs of 3 species from southeastern Australia but they are unidentified.
Blake, JA. 1997. Phylum Nemertea. In Blake, JA and Scott, PH (eds), Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the Western Santa Barbara Channel. Introduction, Benthic Ecology, Oceanography, Platyhelminthes and Nemertea. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, pp. 83-118.
Campbell, A, Gibson, R and Evans, LH. 1989. A new species of Carcinonemertes (Nemertea: Carcinonemertidae) ectohabitant on Panulirus cygnus (Crustacea: Palinuridae) from Western Australia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 95, 257-268.
Dalby, JEJ. 1996. Nemertean, copepod, and amphipod symbionts of the dimorphic ascidian Pyura stolonifera near Melbourne, Australia: specificities to host morphs, and factors affecting prevalences. Marine Biology 126, 231-244.
Edgar, GJ. 2000. Australian Marine Life. Reed, Kew, Victoria.
Gibson, R. 1972. Nemerteans. Hutchinson University Library, London.
Gibson, R. 1974. A new species of commensal hoplonemertean from Australia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 55, 247-266.
Gibson, R. 1978. Two new lineid heteronemerteans from Australia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 62, 1-37.
Gibson, R. 1979. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 1. Anopla Palaeonemertea. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 65, 305-337.
Gibson, R. 1979. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 2. Anopla Heteronemertea (Baseodiscidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 66, 137-160.
Gibson, R. 1979. Hubrechtella malabarensis sp. nov. (Palaeonemertea: Hubrectidae), a new nemertean from Australia. Zool. Anz. 202, 119-131.
Gibson, R. 1981. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 3. Anopla Heteronemertea (Lineidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 71, 171-235.
Gibson, R. 1981. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 4. Anopla Heteronemertea (Valenciniidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 72, 165-174.
Gibson, R. 1982. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 5. Enopla Hoplonemertea (Monostilifera). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 75, 269-296.
Gibson, R. 1983. Nemerteans of the Great Barrier Reef. 6. Enopla Hoplonemertea (Polystilifera: Reptantia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 78, 73-104.
Gibson, R. 1985. The need for a standard approach to taxonomic description of nemerteans. American Zoologist 25, 5-14.
Gibson, R. 1990. Classification of the Nemertea Enopla: response to Sundberg's critique and cladistic analysis. Zoologica Scripta 19, 141-142.
Gibson, R. 1990. The macrobenthic nemertean fauna of the Albany region, Western Australia. In Wells, FE, Walker, DI, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R (eds). Proceedings of the third international marine biological workshop: the marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 89-194.
Gibson, R. 1990. A new species of Carinonemertes (Nemertea: Enopla: Carcinonemertidae) from the egg masses of Naxia aurita (Latreile) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae) collected in the Albany region of Western Australia. In Wells, FE, Walker, DI, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R (eds). Proceedings of the third international marine biological workshop: the marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 195-202.
Gibson, R. 1995. Nemertean genera and species of the world: an annotated checklist of original names and description citations, synonyms, current taxonomic status, habitats and recorded zoogeographic distribution. Journal of Natural History 29, 271-562.
Gibson, R. 1997. Nemerteans (Phylum Nemertea). In Shepherd, SA and Davies, M (eds). Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part III. Handbooks Committee of the South Australian Government, Adelaide, pp. 905-974.
Harlin, M. 1996. Biogeographic patterns and the evolution of eureptantic nemerteans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 58, 325-342.
Norenburg, J. 1985. Structure of the nemertine integument with consideration of its ecological and phylogenetic significance. American Zoologist 25, 37-51.
Sundberg, P. 1989. Phylogeny and cladistic classification of the paramonostiliferous family Plectonemertidae (Phylum Nemertea). Cladistics 5, 87-100.
Sundberg, P. 1990. Gibson's reclassification of the enoplan nemerteans (Enopla, Nemertea): a critique and cladistic analysis. Zoologica Scripta 19, 133-140.
Sundberg, P. 1993. Phylogeny, Natural Groups and Nemertean Classification. Hydrobiologia 266, 103-113.
Sundberg, P and Gibson, R. 1995. The nemerteans (Nemertea) of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Zoologica Scripta 24, 101-141.