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The distinctly grooved prostomium is a short, blunt cone and
the peristomium forms a complete ring (Rouse & Pleijel 2001; in contrast to
Rouse & Fauchald 1997 who suggested
that the peristomium was reduced to lips around the mouth).
Antennae and palps are absent. The nuchal organs comprise a
pair of dorso-lateral pits. The longitudinal muscles form
distinct bundles. Segmentation is distinct. The first segment
lacks parapodia and chaetae and is longer than the second
segment which carries the first chaetae. In a
variable number of anterior chaetigers, both parapodial rami,
bearing short truncate lobes, may be deeply recessed into the
body wall; tori replace these lobes in more posterior
chaetigers. Dorsal and ventral cirri, and epidermal papillae are
absent; ‘branchiae’ are also considered absent although
extensions of the posterior body wall, in some species, may
have a respiratory function. Pygidial cirri may be
present or absent; when present their number varies in
different taxa. Lateral organs are present, and dorsal cirrus
organs have not been observed and are presumed to be absent.
A simple axial eversible pharynx (= proboscis) is present. A
gular membrane is situated between chaetigers 4 and 5, and
the gut is a straight tube. A
circulatory system and heart body are lacking. Aciculae are
absent; other chaetae include capillaries and hooded hooks.
Capillary chaetae and hooded hooks
occur on both rami on a variable number of
anterior chaetigers; posteriorly, hooks are present on both
rami. The hooks are small and in a single row on each torus.
The above description is based on Hutchings (2000), which in turn is based on Fauchald & Rouse (1997).
Recognising the family Distinguishing species Complete or almost complete individuals are necessary for species determination and even for generic determination, all the thorax and some of the abdominal segments must be present. The change from thoracic to abdominal segments is subtle and marked by a change in the orientation of the notopodia and neuropodia. The number of thoracic chaetigers must be determined and the distribution of the type of chaetae determined plus the distribution of the genital chaetae if present. Small individuals can be mounted whole in order to count the number of thoracic chaetigers and the distribution of chaetal types. Future studies should look at the structure of the hooded hooks in detail.
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