
The Syllidae are distinguished by the presence of a uniquely muscularised
region of the anterior digestive tract, the
proventricle, which is often visible
through the body wall. Other features setting syllids apart
from other nereidiforms include: a pair of lateral and one
median antenna (antennae rarely absent); paired, simple palps
that may be fused together to varying degrees; one or two
pairs of peristomial cirri (also called tentacular cirri; rarely
absent); a muscular axial-type pharynx that may be armed or
unarmed, and; reduced parapodia (notopodia represented by
dorsal cirri only in non-reproductive forms) having simple or
compound neurochaetae.
The above description is taken from Glasby (2000).
Identification tips
Recognising the family
The Syllidae should be easily distinguished from all other polychaetes by the
proventricle, a cylindrical muscularised region of the anterior digestive tract; the regular, almost mesh-like structure of the proventricle is often visible through the body wall.
Syllids range in size from interstitial species only a few mm in length to species as long as several cm.
Distinguishing species
A large number of genera of Syllidae have been described but the characters defining these are poorly understood and the family is in desperate need of a major revision. Numerous subfamilies have been proposed, but these also require clarification. Syllids when alive often display characteristic colour patterns and if fresh specimens can be examined this will greatly expedite separation of species. The form of the pharynx and proventricle, the arrangement and length of antennae, tentacular and dorsal cirri and the kinds of chaetae and their distribution along the body all provide important characters for separating taxa within the Syllidae.
Description | Identification
tips | Natural History | Diversity
| Checklist | References
| Interactive Key |
Additional genera