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Natural History

Syllidae: Syllis punctulata

Syllids are found in most marine and estuarine habitats from the intertidal to the deep sea and at all latitudes. They are often among the most diverse, and even sometimes the most abundant of polychaete families found in benthic samples from both soft substrates and from fouling communities, though different taxa tend to be present in different substrates. Many syllids, especially members the subfamilies Autolytinae and Syllinae, apparently consume the internal fluids of bryozoans, sponges, hydrozoans and other invertebrates. The toothed pharynx is used to puncture the prey and the proventricle is a pump that sucks out the fluids. Members of the Eusyllinae include species which feed on diatoms and detritus, and others which are carnivores. Members of the diverse and taxonomically challenging Exogoninae are most common on soft sediments; these are apparently selective deposit feeders.


The Syllidae are the most speciose of all polychaete families - 66 genera and at least 819 species are known world wide. The Australian fauna is incompletely studied but is known to include at least 32 genera and 77 species; undoubtedly many more remain to be described.


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